Collections of photos I’ve taken because I could. Eclectic at best. Some are snap shots, others events and some because I saw a photo I liked and wondered how to do it.

Various modes of transport but mostly big engines. COTA provides plenty of opportunity.

Some things just look better in black and white. You can see here what I think looks better. These are not infrared by the way.

Sometimes I like to play with photos and produce a different look. One of my favorite tools is Topaz Impressions. It has so many cool filters and effects. It's easy to lose a day playing with them. One filter I especially like is a Georgia O'Keefe looking filter which applies a brush stroke simplicity. It doesn't work for everything but it is fun. I hope you like it.

Not a subject I spent a lot of time on and I suppose I am not a fan of flower photos but here are a few I got by accident along the way.