A collection of flying, running, crawling, slinking, slithering, walking, hovering, humming, growling, squawking things.

Here are a few of the many, many bird photos I have taken so far. They are fascinating to watch and infuriating to photograph. When I get it right they are very rewarding.

The unique family Trochilidae of the Americas. These little guys deserve their own gallery. If only based on the time I spend trying to capture the little suckers!

Everything that’s not a bird or a creepy crawly (or whatever the collective noun is for insects spiders and the like). Critters covers it for me.

I’m sure there’s a scientific, collective noun for these little guys but I think “Creep crawly” covers it for most of us. All those things you see that don't linger. It's fascinating to photograph them and discover how complicated they and their lives are. They don't just go around biting people.

I took part in the 2017 Wildlife in Focus photo competition on the property of my good friend, John Reuthinger. Crabby Creek is 300 acres of wetland. We had 6 months to find and capture it’s beauty and submit 100 photos into 59 categories.
We placed 7th out of 32 properties an had 25 images place in their categories. This collection are a selection ones I took.
We placed 7th out of 32 properties an had 25 images place in their categories. This collection are a selection ones I took.